Chapter Events


A message from our President Abby: I’ve had the privilege of serving s our chapter president for a year and a half now and have been wondering….WHY? In a word, it is all about connections. In college, we were searching for a place to belong. AOII became our connection to likeminded women. After college, we […]


AOII Founders’ Day 2022

We’re so excited to host Southern California Founders’ Day 2022! The luncheon theme is “Once More United” in celebration of 125 years of AOII. PLEASE NOTE THERE IS A DATE CHANGE!!! Due to COVID-19, the event has been rescheduled from 2/26 to 4/23. Please contact us at if you are unable to make the […]


Alumnae Initiate

We invite women who share our philosophy and purpose to become a part of Alpha Omicron Pi. This invitation is extended beyond the traditional environment of our collegiate chapters across the United States and Canada. We offer women of various ages and situations the opportunity for membership as alumna initiates. Our Alumna Initiate program is […]


SDAC Honor Scholarship

We are pleased to announce that the San Diego Alumnae Chapter Honor Scholarship is available. The San Diego Alumnae Chapter (SDAC) Honor Scholarship Fund was established at the passing of sister Norma Taylor and has been generously supported since that time by her husband Marvin and countless other generous supporters. Donations to the scholarship are […]